
The purpose of infographics is to display factual information visually and in an aesthetically pleasing way, whilst also still surviving the purpose of providing stats and facts. From looking at and researching into inograohics as a subject matter, most if not all utilised these key elements:

  • Telling a Story – Building the information into a story is an effective way in engaging viewers.
  • Style – Clear and simple style makes accessibility to the information easier.
  • Simplicity – Avoids less confusion, utilises design elements.
  • Statistics – Reliable and factual
  • Size – Should be suitable for the medium it is being viewed upon.

Here are a few examples of infographics i found on Pinterest that i felt effectively utilised these key infographical elements.

colour infograph

Steve Jobs Infograph

Dreamer infograph

Research from Barbara M. Miller and Brooke Barnett discovered this about infographics, “On their own, text and graphics are both useful yet imperfect methods for communication. Written language allows an almost infinite number of word combinations that allow deep analysis of concepts but relies heavily on the reader’s ability to process that information. Graphics may be easier for the reader to understand but are less effective in communication of abstract and complicated concepts… combining text and graphics allows communicators to take advantage of each medium’s strengths and diminish each medium’s weaknesses.”


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