Posted on March 16, 2016
Visual Elements Of Children’s Illustration Books
As with any design product there are various elements that are comprised within each piece. These are a few to take into consideration when designing for a children’s book:
– Line
Important in that it is used to create shape and meaning, also capable of suggesting motion, direction and energy.
– Colour
Colour is one of the key elements and is often utilised a lot more within childrens illustrations as a technique of grabbing their attention. Is also an effective way of conveying emotions or states through the use of colour and meaning.
– Shape
Another element utilised as connotations to visually represent the story. Basic/ simple shapes are often pictured within children books as a way of connecting to children, simpler shapes are often easier to decode.
– Texture
Is an element that is frequently seen within illustrations to recreate textual imagery that strengthens the illustrations and often tells a story within itself.
– Text
Text is utilised in numerous ways, often seen adjacent to illustrations on opposite pages. Or is also found following a path upon the illustration.
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