
I decided to experiment with colour and shape within logo design, I liked the simplistic layering of text upon the textured background. However this wouldn’t be suitable for a finalised logo design as the image itself isn’t a vector so isn’t capable of being blown up to a large scale without losing quality or definition.Untitled-1

Photoshop Workshop

During our workshop in week 3 we were given the task of creating a vector image from an original photo, although this process was a lengthy time consuming one the results are worthwhile. Also as it is a vector graphic, it allows me to experiment with the shape and size of the image without it losing any quality, unlike it would with a raster image. Vector Image

Knock Out Text

Experimenting with knockout text:

Helpful website – indesignsecrets.com/creating-see-through-text




An example of a corporate branding design that includes mock ups for various media platforms and devices.

Branding Design

This is a rather simple and basic presentation for a corporate branding design that I felt worked rather effectively, the information and layout is very clear and concise whilst also providing particular details such as patterns, elements and inspiration. 22d15017dafb4e49cb92ae827c55c57a

High Seas Ink Business Cards Idea

As the logo design for this company is encircled I felt instead of utilising the standard rectangular business card that majority of institutions and people use, I instead felt a circular business card would be more unique. Circular Business Card DesignCreating a more individual format of business cards I feel distinguishes the brand from others, whilst also complimenting the circular shape that forms the company’s logo.