Posted on September 26, 2015
Inspiration Board
Typography surrounds us everywhere and on a daily basis, although most of us consciously don’t observe this or pay a lot of attention. For ideas and inspiration on the various typefaces and techniques in building them, I looked more into the creative website Pinterest. From looking into different typography related tags that other designers had pinned, I created an inspiration board of ones that I felt were interesting or if it was a technique used that I hadn’t thought of.
Posted on September 25, 2015
What is Typography?
Many people within different professions will define typography in various ways, but one factor that many will agree on is that without typography, communication would almost certainly become extinct particularly within our modern day life. According to David Jury, he defines ‘the word the typography as the arrangement of any written material.’ (What is Typography, pp8)
Typography is an essential and predominant way of communicating universally. It is a factor that re-occurs everyday in everyone’s lives whether we are aware of it or not. We rely on typography for various ways of communicating from; letters, emails, texts, signs to adverts and documents. Typography in text in almost every case is specifically picked to convey certain meanings or messages, whether it’s personally handwritten or graphically created.
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